Comparing Yourself to Others

How often do you compare yourself to others? How does comparing help you or hurt you? For many of us it causes negative feelings. We compare the greatest strength of others to our average strength or weakness. When we do that, it’s easy to get discouraged.

I love the fact that most ninjas approach the sport with a “me versus the obstacle” mindset rather than “me versus someone else.” You only control yourself, not others. If you want to improve what you control, focus on yourself and not on others. You can learn and grow from the experience of others without comparing your performance to theirs. This ninja trait has helped me realize how often I compare myself to others.

Focus on What You Control

When you focus on yourself and an obstacle instead of on how someone else tackles the obstacle, you have much better control of the results. You can study the obstacle and evaluate your abilities relative to it. An example from the ninja world is focusing on your balance skills, including your ability on rolling objects, wobbly objects, bouncy objects, and sinking or soft objects. When your focus is on the requirements of an obstacle and your skill level, you’re truly productive. Your mind can evaluate your best options and how to best use those options.

This is an excerpt from the book, Twelve Traits of a Ninja, Live Like a Ninja, available on Amazon.

#ANW, #American Ninja Warrior, #Ninja Warrior, #ANW Jr, #American Ninja Warrior Junior

About cwarnky

I am an author, ninja, and Executive and Life Coach with Well Done Life, focused on partnering with people to be better life stewards.
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