When Did My Ninja Journey Begin?

When did you first have fun playing outside, running, jumping, swinging, and just being a fun-loving kid? Remember how much fun those days were? They were great! Are those days long gone or can you still have them, or have them again?

Fourth Grade

I remember very clearly back to fourth grade at Mount Pleasant Grade School on Warson Road. The bell rings in the middle of the day and it is recess time. Yay! It is one of those recesses when I am not staying inside to write out sentences because I was talking in class. It is a warm and sunny day and I get to head out and play on the playground, more specifically the monkey bars, or what we called the jungle gym. It is so much fun to climb across it, walk on top of it, and swing from bar to bar. The eight big, long, gray metal bars are much larger than my hands, and I make my way across the horizontal ladder with only my hands, trying to see how many I can skip without falling.

Speaking of falling, it would have been a five- or six-foot drop to the asphalt. I had several of those experiences that resulted in a badly skinned knee or elbow, or at minimum a fresh, red-colored scrape, or in worst cases some blood running down my arm or leg. Those were the days! As Tarzan, a monkey, or a trapeze artist, I did my best to fly through the air. It was anything but boring. The freedom I felt and the fun I experienced on those bars are great memories.

How about you? Did you have a special place like this to go when you were young, a place to be creative and do both risky and fun things, pushing yourself to see how far you could go? I’m betting that most of you did. It was a good time for me with a lot of enjoyment and creativity to life.

This is an excerpt from the book, The Heart of a Ninja: Stretch Your Boundaries, available on Amazon.

#ANW, #American Ninja Warrior, #Ninja Warrior, #ANW Jr, #American Ninja Warrior Junior

About cwarnky

I am an author, ninja, and Executive and Life Coach with Well Done Life, focused on partnering with people to be better life stewards.
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